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Mid-Day Lights the Way for December Giving

12/20/2022 6:45 AM | Anonymous

Mid-Day Women's Alliance is Lighting the Way for December Giving by partnering up with three local nonprofit organizations. During the holiday season, it feels good to give back to those who need a little help this time of year. 

We would love your support in bringing awareness and donations to one or all three of these local organizations. If you are coming to the Put Your Holiday Stress on ICE event on Wednesday, December 21st at the Appleton Curling Club you can bring donations or you can support each of these fundraisers directly by donating online.

Crossfire Ranch

The face behind Crossfire Ranch - Heidi Gossen, Founder, Executive Director, and Lead Mentor

Heidi Gossen is collecting donations for her nonprofit, Crossfire Ranch. Crossfire Ranch is a program that incorporates equine and pairs youth who are experiencing emotional challenges with a trained mentor and equine partner to find hope and healing.

Why? Heidi explains that she experienced a lot of traumas during her childhood watching desperation and loneliness and losing family members. She adds that she was also “a wallflower growing up and never knew how to fit in with things.”

As an adult, Heidi was helping with a youth group with kids that “did not fit in” and this “got to her heart.” With her background in psychology and coaching, this forever “people watcher” saw the connection between horses and the human after meeting “Jasper” a “toddler bully horse” at a camp for kids. She said, “Jasper did not ‘fit in’ at camp life.”  Heidi exclaims that a “very loud” call got her moving and through much work and planning, Crossfire Ranch was born. Heidi is asking for monetary donations to keep the programming going.

It costs approximately $6700 for one youth, for one year for 40 sessions that have profound results. The monthly donor plan (Stable Partners) gives everyone an opportunity to be a hero in a kid’s life. $25 a month, $100 a month or one-time donations are all legacy gifts of the heart!

Give now or bring your donation to the December 21st event at the Appleton Curling Club!

Fox Cities Diaper Bank - United Way Fox Cities

Cassie Mathis, CPO and business owner of Baby Bear Cranial Clinic

Cassie is collecting diaper donations during December for her clientele and for the Fox Cities Diaper Bank – United Way Fox Cities. Why? She loves helping people, especially parents and families because she knows how hard it is for them to provide the essentials at times. Cassie says she grew up with “very generous parents” and learned that helping people is “the right thing to do.” Helping others is ingrained in her – like a second nature.

Since Cassie earned a degree in Kinesiology and Business and then Orthotic and Prosthetic Certificates, Cassie has been working with little ones who have been diagnosed with plagiocephaly and/or brachycephaly.

With the love and support of friends and family Baby Bear Cranial Clinic was created in 2020 which allowed Cassie to take her passion for helmets and helping others to the next level. She takes a team approach and works collaboratively with the families, physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, and others. 

Give now or bring your donation to the December 21st event at the Appleton Curling Club!

Community Clothes Closet

Cindy Carter, Mid-Day Women's Alliance Member and avid volunteer

From a young age, Cindy has been taught to help out others in need. After she moved to Appleton in 1974, she started volunteering for a few local non-profit organizations. Since then, the number of volunteer organizations that she is a part of has multiplied. 

Why? Cindy saw that the Community Clothes Closet was in need of bedding this year so she wanted to bring this opportunity to others as well. Cindy says "we should always give back, as there are always those in need, if not money or items, at least give your time."  The feeling of giving during this holiday season is something that is "priceless" to Cindy. 

The Community Clothes Closet provides free clothing to all people in need. Their belief is that clothing can open the door to a better future by providing the confidence needed to ace a job interview, project a healthy self-image or stay safe from inclement weather. 

There is a current priority need for collecting new or gently used sheets (Queen or King size bedding), bedspread & blanket donations for the Community Clothes Closest. 

Give now or bring your donation to the December 21st event at the Appleton Curling Club or bring on the January 18th event at The Grand Meridian. 

Thank You

We appreciate your support of this December Giving campaign and wish you a happy and healthy holiday season! 

Mid-Day Women's Alliance

P.O. Box 334, Appleton, WI  54912

@copyright 2022 Mid-Day Women's Alliance. All rights reserved. MDWA is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.

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