Committees |
To truly experience the rewards of belonging to our organization and maximize your connections with other women in the group, get involved on a committee or in a program.
Mid-Day Women's Alliance is 100% driven by its member volunteers and its success is entirely dependent upon the contributions of the women who choose to be involved.
To learn more, visit the Board and Committee Chairs page and contact the chairperson(s).
The Bylaws Committee occasionally reviews and updates the bylaws of Mid-Day Women's Alliance.
To help support female small business owners in the Appleton-area, Mid-Day Women’s Alliance, in collaboration with CAP Services, provides the Fox Cities Women’s Entrepreneurship Grant Program (FCWEGP). The committee is responsible for facilitating the full program from application review, interviews and selection of the recipient. The committee also establishes and monitors the mentoring portion of the program.
The Finance Committee prepares an annual budget for the organization and presents it at the March board meeting and April general meeting. The committee has general supervision of all expenditures and assists the organization in developing a sound financial policy.
The Foundation Committee plans and executes all fundraising activities. This committee supports, and promotes interest in, the Wisconsin Women's Alliance Foundation. The committee provides leadership and direction to, and collaborates and communicates with, Mid-Day fundraising activities to ensure that all areas of the events are successful.
The Legislation Committee provides education and information relative to the legislative platform adopted by Mid-Day Women’s Alliance.
The mission of the legislation program is to identify and take action on legislation consistent with our platform: pay equity, equal opportunities for women in the workplace and schools, women’s health issues, and ending all violence and acts of discrimination against women in accordance with the United Nations Convention for the Elimination of all Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
Mid-Day Women’s Alliance supports the right of women to develop to their fullest potential and encourages responsible political involvement at every level of government.
The Marketing and Public Relations Committee creates awareness and promotes the organization, its programs and activities, through various media using both on-line and off-line vehicles. Regular and ongoing contact with local print, TV and radio media is required, as well as maintaining a strong on-line presence on both the website as well as social media.
The Membership Committee creates an inviting atmosphere for new and potential members and fuels the continuous improvement of the membership experience.
The Mentoring Committee links mentors and mentees with members and the community to further their leadership skills.
The Networking Committee works to provide networking events for members and their businesses. The mission is to build community relationships through networking, creating an awareness of Mid-Day in the community while recruiting new members. The committee organizes and participates in different networking opportunities to enhance membership relationships and encourage business collaboration. The focus of these events is on different techniques to embrace networking and learn how networking can benefit all of us! This will be open to all Mid-Day members and a guest. Guest must be invited by a member.
The Program Committee arranges and schedules speakers for monthly meetings to support MDWA’s mission. The committee acts as a liaison for monthly speakers to schedule, introduce and arrange programs. They will also coordinate programs with Networking, Mentoring, Leadership Development and Foundation committees to schedule meetings and speakers to coordinate with our mission and vision.
The Sunshine Committee works to uplift our members and let them know how much they matter. The committee offers well wishes for things like birthdays, promotions, new careers, births, weddings, and other life events. This is a great opportunity to play a role in bringing a smile to someone deserving.
The Website Committee helps all committees ensure website pages and events are accurate and consistent with our branding. The committee also assists members in setting up their profiles and navigating the site.
The Welcome Committee is a non-voting committee responsible for overseeing registration, guest and member relations at the meetings.
The Women in Leadership Development (WILD) Committee provides leadership development workshops for members and non-members, by identifying compelling topics and workshops as well as promoting and supporting the workshop completion.
The Women of Distinction Committee conducts a search for a woman who stands out as a shining example to all women in the Fox Cities area through the strength of her character, the selflessness of her efforts, and her dedication to our community. This committee organizes the application and selection process and submits a recommendation to the board for approval. Award and program are coordinated by this committee for the fall announcement.