A “Phoenix” Comes Out of the Ashes
A story of Loss, Healing, and Renewal
Billi Jo Baneck

We all tend to have perceptions as to who people are and say things based on those perceptions.
When we voice or act on our perceptions without knowing what lies underneath, it can be hurtful and keeps us from reaching out to those in need.
Billi Jo Baneck joins us for our membership meeting on July 19th. She will share her story of her tragedy and how the response of an entire village helped her reconsider her interactions with people.
She will share the emotional, physical and mental stress that followed her tragedy, and how she learned to “recover from the ashes” and start giving back and give forward. She will present ways in which we can all reach out to others to freely “give of ourselves”.
Billi Jo grew up in Wautoma, WI, the oldest of six children. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration. She is currently a full-time 911 Dispatcher for Brown County Public Safety as well as a part-time Bridal Coordinator.
Join us in hearing how Billi Jo’s loss guided her, like a “Phoenix” to a life of renewal and giving.
Discounted price available for members and not-yet-members with online registration until end of day Monday the week of the meeting.
Online registration at a higher price will continue until Tuesday the week of the meeting.
To ensure your seat is reserved and your meal is provided on time, please pre-register. Payment is required at the time of pre-registration.