
Fox Cities Women’s Entrepreneurship
Grant Program
To help support female small business owners in the Appleton-area, Mid-Day Women’s Alliance, in collaboration with CAP Services, announces the creation of the Fox Cities Women’s Entrepreneurship Grant Program (FCWEGP).
This program, through a competitive application process,will provide one local female business owner with a $1500 grant and over $2000 in business coaching services and networking opportunities each year.
Once selected, the “grantee” business owner will be paired with a local “Business Coaching Team” who will offer monthly consulting at no charge. The winner will also receive the following at no charge: a one-year membership to Mid-Day Women Alliance (MDWA), MDWA monthly lunches, quarterly Women in Leadership Development workshops, the FUSION annual event. The winner will also benefit from countless other networking opportunities that will help her sustain access to relationships beneficial to sustainable business growth.
The grantee will be required to enroll in CAP Services Business Development Program and will be required to develop and/or enhance their business plan.
Three finalists will be chosen for an in-person interview which will be conducted on Friday,May 4, 2018 from 9 am until noon.
Deadline for the application is April 26, 2018. Click on the link below for the PDF application.
Grant Application Form
For more information contact Kitty Johnson CAP Services Inc.
Mobile: (920) 209-1384 / kjohnson@capmail.org
About Mid- Day Women’s Alliance:
Helping women in the Fox Cities for over 25 years, MDWA is an organization that promotes equity for all women and helps them to develop their potential through: networking, advocacy, mentoring, education and skills-building.
About CAP Services Inc:
CAP Services is a non-profit that offers innovative and effective programs developed and maintained with input from the people being served.CAP Services provides Business Coaching and lending at to low-income individuals starting a business or to businesses committed to creating jobs that will be filled by low-income individuals. CAP’s business development coordinators help individuals develop their business plan and assemble a financing package, which can include gap financing from CAP.