Event was Cancelled

2019 Sponsorship Information
All Sponsors will be recognized on our Website, Social Media and in our Event Day Program.
Proceeds to benefit the
Fox Cities Victim Crisis Response Team

For over 10 years Mid-Day Women’s Alliance hosts a Golf Outing to raise money to help an organization within our local community. This year’s Golf Outing is scheduled for Thursday, July 25th, 2019. Our focus is on the Professional and Self Development of women in the Fox Cities.
Sponsorship Options & Related Investment:
Wine Tasting Sponsor $500
· Receive two free passes to Networking Event.
· Sponsor will be recognized with signage at the Luncheon, Wine Tasting, and Networking Event.
· One of the BEST ways to network at the Wine Event and gain exposure for your business!
Beverage Sponsor $400 (exclusive 1 sponsor) or $200 (split between 2 sponsors)
· Each golfer will receive 2 drink tickets to be redeemed during the event.
· Both sponsors will receive two free passes to the Networking Event.
Cart Sponsor $200 (2 Sponsorships Available)
· Both sponsors will be recognized with signage on each golf cart.
Putting Green Sponsor $100
· Sponsor will be recognized with signage at the putting green.
· Please provide a prize for the overall winner with the best putt (prize typically valued at $25-$30).
Hole Sponsor $100
· One of the BEST ways to network with each of the golfers and gain exposure for your business!
· Staffing the hole you are sponsoring is highly encouraged. You may bring a table, tent, lawn chairs, and information regarding your business as well as giveaways if you choose.
· Your assigned hole will have signage showing your sponsorship.
· Each hole has a pre-determined assigned game (i.e., closest to the pin, closest to the water, etc.)
· Please provide a hole prize for the overall winner of your game (prize typically valued at $25-$30).
Networking Reception (after golf) Sponsor $500
· Sponsor will receive two free passes to the Networking Reception.
· Sponsor will be recognized with signage at the Luncheon, Wine Tasting and Networking Reception.
· One of the BEST ways to network with each of the golfers and Wine Event participants to gain exposure for your business!
Sponsorship form for printing.
Ready to sponsor or have questions?
Contact: Laura Leedam at laurawarhurst@gmail.com 920-209-6776