Mid-Day Women's Alliance
Coronavirus Update
As most of you have seen, concerns are growing quickly over the imminent spread of COVID-19, or the Coronavirus, We want you to know that we are invested in your well-being and health, and want to be sure that we are not contributing in any way to the spread of this virus,
In light of the rapidly increasing list of cancellations, and the recommendations to limit social gatherings, we are making the difficult, and unprecedented, decision to cancel the March Membership Meeting (currently scheduled for next week Wednesday, March 18, 2020). The March program was to focus on Networking and included networking activities. Based on recommendations for “social distancing”, we determined that the Membership Meeting this month is not a critical topic and can be held at a later date. Your health, and the health of your loved ones is more important.
Current concerns over the Coronavirus involve limiting the spread so we do not overwhelm resources such as hospitals, medication supply chains, and staff to administer care to the sick. In addition, experts warn against limiting the spread to those over age 65, especially those with underlying health conditions. While many of us in MDWA feel we are healthy and fit enough to fight off the virus, we need to consider how many things we touch throughout a day and how many people we come into contact with, then when we multiply that out by that number of people we interact with - we start to see how our decisions to continue “business as usual” can potentially have serious consequences.
We will proceed with the April Membership Meeting as scheduled, but please continue to review messages from our leaders in MDWA for updates. We recognize that there are several committee meetings and small group activities scheduled between MDWA members. At this time, we are leaving those meetings up to members own discretion. MDWA is a group of strong women, we hope this is all being done unnecessarily, but we also know that with the potential closings of schools and businesses, if any members find themselves in need of assistance over the next few weeks, please reach out to us. As fellow business owners, employers/employees, moms, grandmothers, wives and toilet paper users, we are here for you and wish everyone good health!!
The below information is the announcement for the meeting which has been cancelled. The Networking Opportunity will be rescheduled for a time when it's more appropriate to have a large group in one room.

Join us at the March Membership Meeting
to learn what MDWA offers for
Networking Opportunities
and learn some Quick Tips & Tricks
Our networking committee chairs, Sarah Fabry and Julie Arend, will be presenting a three part program:
1) a fun activity during normal our networking time 11:30 AM to Noon
2) a brief presentation on networking tips & trends
3) another networking activity
You be able to give input into what you would like to see from MDWA's Networking Committee in the future, and by participating in the activities, you will get to know your fellow members a little better!
MDWA is a resource we can all use to help build our networks & Networking is one of our five pillars. Join Sarah Fabry & Julie Arend as we get ready to kick off a new year of getting to know each other better!
As always, lunch will be provided and there will be prizes for the networking activities.
Please plan to bring extra business cards.
This would be a great meeting to bring guests.
Location: Butte Des Morts Country Club
3600 W Prospect Ave, Appleton, WI 54914
Networking 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Lunch & Program 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
To ensure your seat is reserved and your meal is provided on time, please pre-register. Payment is required at the time of pre-registration.
Early registration for best pricing ends midnight on the Thursday before the event. Meal counts are called in to the venue by noon on Fridays prior to the events.
No refunds given for no shows.