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April 21, 2021
Women of Distinction Presentation
and Short Annual Meeting
2020 Mid-Day Women's Alliance
Women of Distinction Presentation
Every year Mid-Day Women’s Alliance conducts a search for women who stand out as a shining example of strength of character, integrity, generosity, courage, optimism, dedication and impact on our community. This year has been a little different as our focus also included women who are doing amazing work in the community to make a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to congratulate both Betsy Rachubinski and Dr. Susan May as MDWA's "Women of Distinction."

Betsy Rachubinski Dr. Susan May
This portion of the membership meeting will allow us to meet both of these women of strength during a presentation and a question and answer time. Please join us to celebrate these Women of Distinction!
2021 Mid-Day Women's Alliance
Annual Meeting
This April Annual Meeting requires a quorum of members to vote for officer nominations and the budget for the next fiscal year beginning May 1, 2021. Mid-Day Bylaws article X defines a quorum as 1/3 of membership. Mid-Day's Bylaws authorizes the use of electronic voting at membership meetings and does not allow proxy votes. Voting prior to the meeting will be allowed by using the link to the ballot below. Please feel free to cast your vote prior to the April 21 meeting time if you feel comfortable with the nominees and the budget. If you have questions, join the meeting at 11:30 AM on April 21, at which time Sarah Coenen will address questions in a breakout room.. Signing into the Zoom meeting prior to the noon start time to ask questions will help save time during the meeting.. The Zoom meeting will be open at 11:30 AM; the Annual Business Meeting formally begins at 12:00 PM and hopefully will be wrapped up in short order to present out 2020 Women of Distriction
Please review the Budget Document (a link will be sent to members prior to the meeting)
Mid-Day Board fully supports the budget brought forth by the finance committee. The board approved the budget at the March Board Meeting. The final step is to bring the budget to Mid-Day active membership at this April Membership meeting. The budget proposal results in a deficit as it did FY 2020-2021. As with any budget, this is a plan and our best “guess” as to where some line items will end up. For instance, we may have more members; our D&O insurance may cost less (we are looking at this); and some other expenses may be lower than the budgeted amount. Since, we presently don’t have final numbers, for 2020-2021 we don’t know how actual spending for 2020-2021 compares to budget yet.
The ballot has a nomination for each person/position as listed below. Note a Co-Vice President for Membership position is currently open. Please consider nominating yourself or someone you know to fill this important role.
- Co-President – Mary Ann Bazile
- Co-President – Sara Mullen-Hornung
- Co-Vice President - Programs – Irene Strohbeen
- Co-Vice President - Programs – Kristin Bock
- Co-Vice President - Membership – Tina Grenlie
- Co-Vice President - Membership – open
- Treasurer – Sue Wolf
- Secretary – Cathy Scott
A link to the ballot for Officers and to approve the Budget will be sent via email to registered MDWA members. Voting will open on Friday April 16, 2021 and will close at 12:30 PM, April 21, 2021 during the Annual Meeting.