Website Ad-Hoc Committee
Session #3
We will work on a proposal for the executive committee.
+ Outward / Viewers & Inward / Board
+ Miro notes
+ importance Ranking: Need and Wish
- Functionality / Navigation / User friendly
- Appearance / Design
- MDWA brand
- Layout, Typography, Photography/Graphics
- What content it will include, not include
- Placement of content, tabs, drop downs, etc.
- Women's Directory - Enhancement WIP
- Calendar / Events
- About, Mission Statement, History
- Contact / Join Now
- Get Involved: Committees, Board etc.
- Membership / Join Now / Testimonials ? (new)
- Blog Review / Placement
- Connect social media pages
- Anything we need to add?
+ Belonging Series as a stand alone tab
Questions: Sara Mullen-Hornung, Web Ad-Hoc Co-Chair
262-490-1607 - call / text
Kim O'Brien, Web Ad-Hoc Co-Chair