Belonging Conversations
Part 4 of 4 part series on Social Status:
Bridging the Divide: Understanding while Disagreeing
Mid-Day Women's Alliance is pleased to host Imagine Fox Cities’ (IFC) Community Conversations exploring topics related to society and status, especially as they affect one's sense of belonging:
Class, Privilege, Allyship and Bridging
You can access the conversation guides here:
Bridging is the process of crossing group or ideological boundaries to better understand our shared humanity and accomplish common goals. It also requires overcoming our tendency to view those with whom we disagree as enemies. It requires a willingness to engage with those we believe to be different in some significant way and with whom we disagree without assigning motive, with the purpose of seeing them as individuals to better understand what they value and what matters to them. We do this while continuing to value what is important to who we are.
The IFC Belonging Conversations offer a simple, sociable and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. This new series will help us understand more about what social status means and how we can use our power and individual agency to create a more inclusive community in which everyone is valued and we all know that we belong.
Plan now to attend all four sessions on Social Status--or whatever you can fit into your summer schedule--all sessions will be 11:30 - 1:00 via Zoom.
June 1, 15, 29, July 13
Mid-Day Women's Alliance
P.O. Box 334, Appleton, WI 54912
@copyright 2022 Mid-Day Women's Alliance. All rights reserved. MDWA is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.