UPDATE: The date was changed and a new event was created.
MDWA and MSA (Main Street Alliance) have scheduled a session with Dane Lasecki, Rep. Mike Gallagher's staff member, to discuss the impact of the American Families Plan (AFP) on small businesses. In particular, we want to tell him about the importance of paid family and medical leave to business owners, workers, and families. Please come if you're able. We can provide additional information on the AFP, but what's most important is for our elected members of Congress to hear WHY this policy is important to us.
Irene Strohbeen ibstrohbeen@new.rr.com
Sandi Rohde rohde.sandi@gmail.com
Mid-Day Women's Alliance
P.O. Box 334, Appleton, WI 54912
@copyright 2022 Mid-Day Women's Alliance. All rights reserved. MDWA is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.