Improve Your Career Conversations
Making a career shift is always challenging, doing so while also balancing the ever-changing needs of a family during a global pandemic, well, that takes things up a notch. Some might argue that making a career change right now is not the best time, but it can certainly be done, and there are steps to take and conversations to have if you are like one of the many women considering it.
In this WILD workshop, Gina Glover a career coach and speaker and member of Mid-Day since 2012, will guide attendees through the:
Gina’s bio: You may know her from the years she served Mid-Day as a co-chair for a golfing outing (once or twice), her work in helping launch the Mid-Day Toastmasters club, serving as the VP of Programming, or maybe when she was Co-President. A member since 2012, Gina Glover is a career coach and speaker helping people have better conversations in the office, at home and in their communities. She does this by connecting with people, helping them share their stories and experiences so they can create a life they love.
Mid-Day Women's Alliance
P.O. Box 334, Appleton, WI 54912
@copyright 2022 Mid-Day Women's Alliance. All rights reserved. MDWA is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.