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Monthly Legislative Committee Meeting

  • 01/08/2021
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom online event


Registration is closed

We typically meet monthly to discuss the legislative platform for MDWA, current events, education opportunities, etc. 

All are welcome! 

NOTE: Meeting time has been extended back to the 1.5 hour length from 11:30-1:00. We seem to have a lot to discuss!! 

Jan 8 Legis Cte Mtg Agenda

  1. Review plans for Feb 17 Program – Committee input on questions for panelists:
    1. Why are paid leave/paid sick day policies seen as so critical for working women?
    2. How would the WI paid leave bill work:  where would the money come from for paid leave; how much would workers get, etc.?
    3. Why are paid leave policies seen as so important for small business owners and entrepreneurs?
    4. What is the current situation for the child care sector, and what is needed in order for the sector to be sustainable?
    5. Has COVID affected working women in WI to the same extent as reported nation-wide?
    6. What can we do to help advocate for policies that support working women?
  2. Next Movie Night:  Full 90 minute Zero Weeks documentary, 1 week AFTER Feb Program—Doodle poll results
  3. Cities for CEDAW/Appleton
    1. Next planning meeting Jan 13 7:00-8:00
    2. Mar 23 7:00-8:30 educational program
  4. Educational topic for Feb:  WI state budget process plus anticipated items related to our Legislative Platform
  5. Child Care efforts in NE Wisconsin:  POINT subcommittee
  6. Equal Means Equal Action—share daily videos on the ERA to call Biden/Harris to #PublishERA on January 27 2021.

Please let the co-chairs (Irene/Sandi) know if you need to CANCEL if your plans change. We hope to see many of you there

Irene Strohbeen

Sandi Rohde

Mid-Day Women's Alliance

P.O. Box 334, Appleton, WI  54912

@copyright 2022 Mid-Day Women's Alliance. All rights reserved. MDWA is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.

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