We will be watching a 20 minute video titled "Time to Care" and have time for discussion afterwards. Bring your own lunch and join us to learn more.
You get it first with Mid-Day Women's Alliance! The national screening will be the evening of 9/16 but we have an early viewing over the lunch hour.
The pandemic heightened awareness that we all need time to care — and that most of us can’t afford it. Ky Dickens is the award-winning director of Zero Weeks.
#TIMETOCARE is the eighth documentary by Ky Dickens, who has a track record for creating poignant work known for shifting policy and public opinion. She was inspired to make films about paid leave after facing financial duress, emotional turmoil and guilt due to a lack of paid leave after the birth of her first child.
This video is brought to us by Family Values @ Work.
They encourage you to contact your members of Congress to demand paid leave - link below.
Advocacy: https://bit.ly/timetocareaction
Please let Sandi know if you need to CANCEL or change your registration.
Sandi Rohde rohde.sandi@gmail.com 920-850-2012