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Stop SHOULD-ing All Over Yourself

  • 09/18/2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Holidays Pub&Grill, 3950 N Richmond St., Appleton WI


  • allows registration for free speaker meal


 Learn to recognize when "SHOULD" is having a negative impact and discover ways to live more freely based on your priorities.

        Rachel Lom, Write Image LLC.

The words we use influence our thoughts and actions. For example, the word SHOULD implies some perfect standard that makes life better somehow. That overpowering feeling of SHOULD can even end up creating the core values that inherently guide our life choices. Yet, this imposed expectation can also create feelings of “not enough,” leading to self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and other limiting beliefs. Instead, what if we challenged the SHOULDs in life to ensure we are forging our own futures rather than unintentionally following a path established by societal norms or expectations from others? 


About our Presenter

Meet Rachel Lom, the seasoned professional behind Write Image LLC. With over 30 years of experience in media relations, corporate communications, and thought leadership content strategy, Rachel is well-equipped to guide your business in sharing its unique story. Her expertise and understanding of brand voice make her an ideal partner for your organization.

Rachel also hosts a podcast called The Sisterhood of Success, which explores various perspectives on pursuing one's own definition of success. The mission of the podcast is to help all women find a sense of acceptance, encouragement, and confidence, both personally and professionally.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Please take a moment to register early so we can ensure we have enough lunch for everyone. Your early registration will help us plan a successful event. Thank you!


Mid-Day Women's Alliance

P.O. Box 334, Appleton, WI  54912

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